Hi ! I'm Emmanuel Nunes

UX Designer

a picture of me

about me

I’m passionate about User Research as a tool to make technology more accessible, intuitive and inclusive. I’ve been studying UX Design for the past year and I’m currently preparing to graduate in May 2022.

My educational background also include a bachelor degree in Cultural Industries, Arts and Social Sciences with a specialization in video game industry.

I’m looking to join a company where I can share my knowledge and my enthusiasm. Where I can continue to learn and grow. Where I can help making the world a better, more intuitive and accessible place !

Based in Lille, France, I am also a photographer, with a lifelong passion for gaming culture and music.

my works

other projects


I’m currently working as an independant photographer. Here’s a link to my Adobe portfolio

Arthur Alternatif

I’m production assistant and photographer for Artur Alternatif, a Youtube channel covering the french metal music scene.


Personal blog with articles about game design and culture.

Click here to visit


User Research
I have been studying user research, practicing and organizing interwiews, reading books on this topic, keeping me up-to-date on all the new UX techniques and standards. I’m also fascinated by the cognitive science and psychology aspect of user research.

Softwares: Airtable, Miro, Jira, Maze

Visual Communication 
It’s important for me to be creative ! I use my knowledge of art History, communication, and design theory to create UI kit assets, visual branding, layout, icons, videos…

Softwares: Notion (Design System), Adobe Creative Suit (Lr, Ps, Ai, Id, Pr, Creative Cloud Express) 

From wireframing to prototyping
A good interface takes time, ideation and iterations. From the early stage to an interactive protype, I can use tools to turn ideas into concret  tangible guidelines for developers and the rest of the team.

Softwares: Figma, XD

Game Design
My lifelong passion for video game  led me to study how my favorite games were made. I acquired extensive knowledge and expertise on game design theories and practices.

soft skills

educational background

Infographie, timeline du parcours universitaire
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